Imagine Ballarat East
Imagine Ballarat East – Our Pathway Forward
Imagine Ballarat East: Local Area Plan is complete. This work included the release of the Imagine Ballarat East: Directions Paper – Our Pathway Forward.
The Directions Paper outlines what the community have told us they value about Ballarat East, what has been learnt through background research and investigation, and what could be done to meet the community’s aspirations for the future of Ballarat East.
For more information on the Ballarat East Local Plan, please contact
About the Imagine Ballarat East: Local Area Plan
In 2015, the City of Ballarat began a conversation with the community of Ballarat East about how to better manage change in their neighbourhood through a new Local Area Plan.
The Ballarat East Local Area Plan, also known as Imagine Ballarat East, contains a vision for a sustainable future, developed in collaboration with the local community and other stakeholders, and an implementation plan integrating regulatory and non-regulatory actions.
The project has been delivered as an international Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) local pilot project, and undertook integrated local area planning based on identified: “community values, landscape values and acceptable levels of change for sensitive neighbourhoods, to provide certainty to residents and developers as to what types of development to attract and support”.
The local area planning process for Ballarat East was undertaken in two key stages:
- Stage 1 – Background research, engagement and Discussion Paper
- Stage 2 – Directions Paper and Local Area Plan
To start the discussion, a small number of local participants came together to help set the direction for the plan. This started the conversation about future change in Ballarat East. Since this time there have been further workshops, including developing a new community map.
Here's the Ballarat East community map:
What's your Ballarat East?
- You can continue to capture your stories, images and values about places in Ballarat East with the new online tool TimeCapsule
- Join the conversation Tweet #imagineballarateast
Check out what the Ballarat East community has been talking about for the last few years on the Ballarat East Network website (thanks BE Net!!). See comments about:
the East's character
community wants and wishes
the forest
the boundaries of Ballarat East - where is it? Does it still exist?
What's changed over time and what stays the same?
Have the Ballarat East community's values changed? See the results of the 1993 community values study "All my lifetime it was there..." The valuing of Ballarat East. Community perspectives on heritage.
Check out before and after sliders: